How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health

How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health

Welcome to my How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health post. Originally coming from central Asia, alfalfa greens were being merely used as animal fodder and hay back in the days. However, in the middle part of the twentieth century, its nutritional value was first valued and people from many countries started to grow and use alfalfa greens in herbal medicines.

Mostly alfalfa beans and sprouts are used in making skin and hair care products. However it is not limited to that only. With advancement in medical science many new areas of alfalfa’s use are introduced. Let us discover some major effects of alfalfa on human health.

Rich In Nutrients

Alfalfa plant is oozing with vitamins, mainly being vitamin A, C and E. other considerable compounds it has are phosphorous, magnesium and iron. All of them are well-known for increasing our body’s power and immunity. Alfalfa supplements can be used as natural energy intake with least amount of preservatives as compared to others.

How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health

Hormonal Balance

Women face some troubling symptoms after menopause, including weakness, dizziness and secretion of mucus from body. All these happen because estrogen release stops and our body has to cope up with it. Women who make alfalfa a routine diet, lead a normal life without facing much problems afterwards.

Doctors often recommend legumes and lentils to the patients after menopause, alfalfa is best among them which can relive other problems too.

Women should especially pay attention to what is lacking in their diet and must replace it. Due to its hormonal balancing properties, alfalfa is highly recommended for women. You can see How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health.

How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health

Cholesterol And Blood Pressure

Herbal medicines are known for their effectiveness as they control normal levels of both cholesterol and blood. Alfalfa vitamins will provide your body with essential strength and will fight the unnecessary fats and carbs.

Excessive use of oil increases cholesterol level which can result in blocking of blood vessels and disturbed heart functioning. If you want to avoid this troublesome then plan ahead and add healthy alfalfa beans and sprouts in your food.

How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health

Skin Care

Vitamin E capsules are often prescribed as a solution to skin problems. But what else do you need when you can get rid of those problems by simply changing your eating habits. Add these legumes in your food and see the steady and long-lasting healthy effects on your skin. Contamination that cause bruises, pimples and scars on the skin can be easily treated by a good ingestion of vitamins.

How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health

Hair Care

The hair strands start to get weak and dull when the nutrients does not reach them. Iron and magnesium of alfalfa greens will help you in balancing soft and healthy hair.

You can choose whichever form of alfalfa is available to you. The most enriched form is sprout form. You can extract the juice and drink it in breakfast, and see your health gradually improving.

Vitamin enriched supplements are always recommended by doctors and nutritionists. So why would you wander around in search of them when this simple legume plant can provide you with all of them. Grow alfalfa in your backyard or buy it from a nearby drugstore, but make sure you start its intake.

How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health

Hope you have enjoyed reading How Alfalfa Greens Affect Your Health. Caldera Greens are 25 % Alfalfa Greens. For More information About Caldera Greens, Please click on the following link

Caldera Greens


If you are concerned about the health of your loved ones and your health, please have a look at our articles on Barley Oat and Wheat Grass Greens in our Nutrition Category.

  • Have used Alfalfa Greens in my morning protein smoothie since 2010. I am at my target weight and do not need any prescription medications. I found the Caldera Greens and the product is 25 % Alfalfa Greens.

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