Get Organic Greens for Free

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Every day we are exposed to literally hundreds of advertising messages.

People have gotten smart and know how to ‘tune out’ many of these advertisements.

Think about the times when someone was sharing about a product and you will understand the concept of people hate to be sold but love to buy. I remember seeing an infomercial one time where the Back Joy company was sharing how 3 people had received tremendous results by just using the Back Joy posture product.

The people shared how their back pain was reduced. So every person watching the program that has back pain issues were drawn into the infomercial. I pulled out my credit card and bought one and the product fits nicely in my office chair and has allowed me to correct my posture to prevent any additional back pain.

So how can we learn how to attract people’s interest and have them also identify their need of getting dense nutrients from powerful Organic Greens? Here is a short video where I share my passion for Caldera Greens.

Transfer Buying

Organic whole food greens

Organic Greens

Many people spend anywhere from $2 to $5 or more each day on coffee at coffee shops. There is so much energy in our Caldera Greens that people will no longer need the unhealthy caffeine in the coffee. I engage people in a conversation and ask them if I could show you how to save $100 a month in your current budget and have $50 left over to purchase a whole food wellness product that will open up your own small business, would you be interested? This is what is known as transfer buying.

Share In Your Community

I made up flyers that describe all of the benefits that the dense nutrients give the body. I share these flyers in my local community on bulletin boards, laundromats, and any place where I find community boards. It only costs me 5 or 6 cents for a one-sided black and white copy so getting 100 copies out into Santa Barbara is not expensive.

Social Media

Just heard that there are over 1.2 billion people on Facebook as of January 2014. Just about everyone now uses Social Media. Posting a link to your blog is a great way to make a comment about how much energy you now have ever since you learned about the benefits of dense nutrients from volcanic soil.

Buy Wholesale and Retail

Whole Wellness Club has the highest quality whole food products available in the direct sales industry today. By purchasing either a 3 or 6 or 12 pack of the Caldera Greens from the company, you can start earning a small profit on each canister that you sell. Your profit is more when you purchase a 12 pack as the cost per canister is less. I show people how to create a powerful home based business by just marketing the Caldera Greens. If you are interested, please go to my website and you can register for free.

Whole Wellness Club

If you need to call me, my contact details are on my Contact Page.

Daniel Parsons

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